What we do

    Valores works with social purpose organizations addressing Poland’s most pressing social issues. It aims to enhance their sustainability, scalability, and social impact.

    Sustainability refers to ensuring that social purpose organizations can maintain their operations and services over the long term. This involves securing consistent funding, budgeting and financial management, strengthening the team, building strong organizational structures, and implementing efficient processes.

    Social impact refers to the effect that an organization’s activities have on the well-being of individuals and communities. Improving quality of life, reducing inequalities, and fostering social change exemplify enhanced social impact. Valores helps organizations measure and manage their social impact (and not just output) to ensure that their efforts make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.

    Scalability involves an organization’s ability to grow and expand its operations to serve more people or address more issues without compromising the quality of its services. This might include replicating successful programs in new locations, increasing the number of beneficiaries, or broadening the scope of services offered.

    Valores selects organizations with high development potential whose leaders are committed to grow and expand their impact.