Our investments


    Polish Medical Mission Association

    Since 1999, the Polish Medical Mission Association has been helping victims of wars, natural disasters, and calamities. It is one of the few

    amp futbol polska logo

    Amp Futbol Association, Warsaw

    The Amp Futbol Association for the past 10 years has been involved in the promotion and development of amputee football in Poland…

    boris logo

    BORIS – Office for Service to the Movement of Social Initiatives, Warsaw

    Boris develops Support Circles in Poland which offer a network of kind…


    Fundacja Dobrych Inicjatyw, Warsaw

    Fundacja Dobrych Inicjatyw (FDI) operates in the field of educational and social support for charges in foster care. The Foundation has developed…


    Fundacja Opiekuńcze Skrzydła Joanny Radziwiłł, Warsaw

    Fundacja Opiekuńcze Skrzydła Joanny Radziwiłł runs day homes for children and…


    Habitat for Humanity Poland, Warszawa

    The Habitat for Humanity Poland Foundation is a Christian charity that works to improve the housing conditions of poor people and prevent…

    Stowarzyszenie Otwarte Drzwi-logo

    Stowarzyszenie Otwarte Drzwi, Warszawa

    The mission of the Association is to prevent social exclusion, take actions to support excluded people and create…


    Fundacja OCALENIE, Warsaw

    Poland is not participating in migrant and refugee resettlement and relocation programs. But since many years refugees have been…

    Exited portfolio


    Światło Foundation, Toruń

    The goals of the foundation include increasing the number of patients in long-term and specialist palliative care/hospice…


    mali bracia Ubogich, Warsaw

    Stowarzyszenie mali bracia Ubogich counteracts marginalization of the elderly people, breaks stereotypes about old…


    Twoje Nowe Możliwości Association, Wroclaw

    TNM supports young (aged 18-35) and talented people with disabilities, whose intellectual potential…


    Camillian Mission for Social Assistance Foundation, Warsaw

    Camillian Mission for Social Assistance Foundation (CMSAF) was created in 2011 and was formally…


    Fundacja POMOST, Zabrze

    Pomost Fundation is an organisation that helps addicts and former prisoners after release from prison. They support…


    Fundacja Integracja, Warsaw

    Integracja engages people with disabilities into mainstream society and enables their full social and economic integration. This is…


    Fundacja Samodzielni Robinsonowie, Warsaw

    FSR is building a nationwide system to facilitate young adults’ successful transition…


    Fundacja Szczęśliwe Dzieciństwo, Lublin

    FSD challenges young people to become active, engaged citizens, with a strong value system. FSD offers a two-year intensive…